Water stress and water scarcity are on the political and social agenda, constituting a threat to humanity, which will worsen as the impact of climate change and the occurrence of extreme events are accentuated, together with the growth of urbanization and the population increase.
We are a family owned and operated business.
Several experts around the world have been issuing warnings that the tensions created by water scarcity situations are increasing, and it is important to balance the need for this resource between irrigation, energy production and supply of homes and businesses. The conflicts over water are fast becoming a reality that we may have to face in the not too distant future.
We are a family owned and operated business.
Based on this scenario, APDA - Portuguese Association of Water Distribution and Drainage promotes, on March 22, World Water Day, at 10 pm, the TIME TO CLOSE THE TAP .
We are a family owned and operated business.
Called H2Off , the campaign aims to encourage behavioral change and appeal to a clear and active awareness of the correct and efficient use of Water.
We are a family owned and operated business.
H2Off is the result of the work developed by CECEA - Specialized Commission for Communication and Environmental Education of APDA, composed of communication professionals from the water sector, whose actions are aligned with the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals, namely the referring to “guaranteeing drinking water and sanitation for all” (Objective 6), “protecting the environment and seeking sustainability in cities” (Objective 11) and “combating climate change” (Objective 13).
We are a family owned and operated business.
Convinced that this is the right time to promote a broad movement of information and reflection on the “value of water”, through a media action to raise awareness at national level, APDA intends to go beyond an initiative, aiming to elevate World Water Day. Water by challenging Public and Private Entities, as well as the entire population, to achieve it, through the dissemination of H2Off to society and the country.
The appeal is simple:
We are a family owned and operated business.
We are a family owned and operated business.
We count on everyone at H2Off, in a contribution to a sustainable future.
H2OFF Ambassadors
News # H2OFF
A APPACDM - Associação Portuguesa de Pais e Amigos do Cidadão Deficiente Mental - Lisboa associou-se também ao movimento H2Off. Pequenos gestos de consumo racional são essenciais para poupar um recurso escasso e precioso como a água.
Contamos também com a sua participação neste movimento inclusivo e universal.
Em 2021 surgiu o Movimento H2OFF que, assinalando as celebrações alusivas ao Dia Mundial da Água, pretende motivar a mudança de hábitos em prol da preservação e sustentabilidade deste recurso vital.
Promovido pela Comissão Especializada de Comunicação e Educação Ambiental da APDA - Associação Portuguesa de Distribuição e Drenagem de Águas que integra um quadro técnico da EMAS na comissão organizadora, o movimento H2OFF – Hora de fechar a torneira tem como objetivo motivar a mudança consciente de comportamentos sobre o uso correto e eficiente da água, incitando a proteção e preservação da mesma.
Faça como a EMAS de Beja, junte-se ao movimento nacional pela Água.
Desafio ambiental: Uma gota que conta para a história!
Nesta 2ª edição do H2Off as comunidades escolares - agrupamentos de escolas, centros de ocupação de tempos livres, universidades seniores e outras entidades com responsabilidade na área da educação - são convidadas a serem parceiros deste movimento e promotores do evento.